"This course was born from my sincere desire to condense 20 years worth of professional experience into a succinct and easily digestible set of lessons for all aspiring voice over artists."

Course Introduction Video

Course Description

The Beginner’s Guide to Auditioning for Commercial Voiceover is a series of 10 lessons. This course was designed for the beginner, yet can be beneficial for anyone who is interested in learning how to deliver a marketable performance from a casting professional.

In Part 1, we will focus on the mechanics and the practical details of the commercial voiceover audition. After completing Part 1, you will be able to:
  • Identify your audience
  • Identify formulas used in ad copy
  • Define and locate copy points
  • Interpret script direction
  • Develop a point of view for your performances

In Part 2, we will focus on technique, how to deliver your performance in a marketable way and analyze my personal performance philosophies. After completing Part 2 you will be able to:
  • Implement two vital techniques to your performances
  • Identify key trends so your auditions stand out.
  • Finally, and most importantly, you will have my unpublished voice over system to reference and apply to any commercial audition.

*As an added bonus…I will include a recorded track of a professional voice actor delivering the script for each lesson. The track will act as a guide and a reference for your training. Your goal is to deliver a similar performance that shares some of the fundamental aspects of the lesson. No other online course delivers this kind of care and guidance!
"I love the voiceover industry. Some of my favorite people are other casting directors, actors, agents and the engineers who mix these commercials. This career has been a blessing for me and has inspired me in countless ways. I can’t think of a better way to give back to the community than to share my experience in a fun and easy collection of lessons. So let’s start your voiceover journey and discover the only place you can find my approach."

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